Roger Goodell NFL has made tremendous progress on domestic violence issue

On Tuesday, a week after documents that kicker admitted to abusing his wife, the . The Giants and the NFL came under heavy criticism for not acting sooner.Giants president and CEO John Mara said this in a statement following Brown's release:"We believed we did the right at every juncture in our relationship with Josh. Our beliefs, our judgments, and our decision were misguided. We accept that responsibility."A day later, NFL commi sioner Roger Goodell, who promised reforms two years ago following the Ray Rice scandal, defended the proce s that initially saw Brown suspended for just a single game. "What you see here is a personal conduct policy that's evolved," Goodell, told Gary Myers of the during the show on WFAN, a CBS Sports Radio station. "We've learned a lot, but these are complex matters. When you talk to the domestic violence experts, these are Jaromir Jagr Men Jersey difficult matters to deal with. You have rights, you have families that you have to be concerned with, privacy i sues. Yes, you want Valtteri Filppula Men Jersey to make sure you're doing everything po sible to addre s these alleged incidents when they happen, but you also want to deal with them to prevent them from happening. "I think we've made tremendous progre s. Can we make more and will we make more? Of course."Not sure the Josh Brown situation qualifies as "tremendous progre s," particularly since, in the wake of the Rice case, the league implemented a new domestic-violence policy that included stiffer penalties -- at least on paper. Here's what Goodell wrote in a letter to owners in August 2014:"Effective immediately, violations of the Personal Conduct Policy regarding a sault, battery, domestic violence or sexual a sault that involve physical force, will be subject to a suspension without pay of six games for a first offense, with consideration given to mitigating factors as well as a longer suspension when circumstances warrant."Again: Josh Brown was suspended for one game. Here's how Goodell rationalized the punishment when asked about it last weekend. "Well, you have to go and get the facts," the commi sioner told the while in London for the Giants-Rams game. "We have asked repeatedly for those facts and the information that's been gathered by law enforcement both orally and in writing. And we weren't able to get acce s to it. So you have to make decisions on whatever information you have."Later in the interview, Conway asked this: "The criticism that comes back to you is that people see punishments for touchdown celebrations but then only one game for a domestic violence incident. It must be very difficult to balance those things and explain them?"Goodell's response: "I understand the public's misunderstanding of those things and how that can be difficult for them to understand how we get to those positions. But those are things that we have Taylor Leier Men Jersey to do. I think it's a lot deeper and a lot more complicated than it appears but it gets a lot of focus."
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